Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Why I Choose Small Battles

Being a mom is the most awesomely challenging, perfectly scary, amazingly blessed job there is.  I love being a mom and could easily be a stay-at-home or work-from-home mom if the opportunity presented itself.

To be honest, I was scared to become a mom and unsure that I could handle it or be good at it.  I also wondered if the mom intuition was really a true thing that would hit me.  Thankfully it did. Over the past year I've decided that thinking about being a mom is actually more scary than being one.

I've also decided that I am going to fight small battles while Colton is small versus bigger battles as he grows up.

Last week I posted a picture of Colton and I out to eat on Instagram and Facebook, which got a few extra likes (thanks!).  I try to do things like this often - grocery shopping, going to church, going to the park, visiting with friends, and out to eat.  It's not always easy and there are a few small battles along the way like restlessness, fussing, wanting out of the cart...  But like I said, I'd rather work through these small battles now by teaching him patience, the meaning of no, and how to entertain himself, rather than trying to tackle these things when he gets older.  I don't give rewards, instead I give praise and hugs.

It's scary, and frustrating but wonderfully fun. We do things together because it's fun for he and I to spend time together, just us.

Here are a few things I've learned that have made this learning curve easier for both Colton and I.

Choose a noisy, kid-friendly restaurant and ask to sit in the back
Go out for lunch with friends that have kids
Go grocery shopping during non-busy hours
Give them a job, like holding onto small grocery items (just make sure you really want it because once it goes into their mouth, it's yours!  Kind like "you break it, you buy it")
Bring activities they like - Colton loves books so we bring his favorites to church

As parents, it's important to us to raise a good human-being who knows right from wrong and how to be engaged in a community.

One year down, a lifetime to go... :)


  1. I wouldn't call those things battles - that's just parenting. I think most people would consider battles as a time when Colton will want to wear an orange Finding Nemo shirt with camo shorts and his farm boots. And even though you wouldn't want your child to be seen in public in that outfit, you realize nothing will be hurt by him wearing it, he's expressing himself, and in the big picture - if his body is covered, it doesn't matter what he wears. Those are the times you choose your battles.

  2. Such a great article and I totally agree with you! If you start with teaching them respect and patience now, later it will be much easier when they are a hard to manage teenager. It will help to manage the small battles now so you won't have to struggle with the large battle later on.


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