Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What's in my diaper bag

You know that Luv's commercial where they show the mom with her first child and all of the stuff and then the third child where she's handing the baby to a dirty mechanic? That commercial is 100% accurate!  I'm pretty sure that was me with my first son, Colton.  Since then, I have changed so much as a mom and try to be fairly flexible and chill with my kids - except when it comes to behavior and Gabe's bedtime, my sanity relies on those two things. (Always exceptions, right?!)

I wish I would have written a blog post about what I carried in my diaper bag when Colton was a baby vs. what I carry 5 years later with Gabe - I'd bet its less stuff because I've pretty well pared it down to what I need.  Not to mention the less stuff I carry, the less I have to leave behind because that's been known to happen.

So what am I carrying in my diaper bag these days?  Here it is!

Anymore our trips seem to be quick; church, shopping and sometimes a quick day trip to see family. None of which require a lot of stuff - plus our siblings all have kids and well prepared grandparents seem to have what we need on-hand.  I'm not above asking to borrow something (for sure a change from kid 1 to kid 3!)

1. A wet bag - I bought mine on Etsy
2. A bottle pre-filled with the amount of baby water needed to mix a bottle. I use these bottles.
3. Burp rags
4. A toy
5. Baby Tylenol
6. Baby Wipes (even after my kids are out of diapers I will always have wipes on-hand!) 
7. Diapers (of course)
10. Change of clothes
11. Essential Oils roller ball for gassy tummies (doTerra DigestZen or Peppermint + doTerra Wild Orange)
13. Fruit snacks for the big boys

A couple weeks back Lauren, from Nena + Nene, reached out to me to ask if I'd be interested in trying out the disposable changing pads she designed and let me tell you - these are awesome to have on hand and so much easier than fooling around trying to get a cloth changing pad unfolded (and refolded) and laid out on a dirty bathroom changing table while holding a baby.  These also work really well if you change your baby's diaper on the living room floor like I do. Or if you find yourselves outside a lot with older kids.  I'm thinking they'll work well for outside snack time for the older boys too - can you tell we never know where the day will take us?!  There are 40 in a package so you can stash them anywhere you think you might use them - living room, car, bathroom, changing table...

You can buy these changing pads here!  They are also on my new favorite things page!

Ok... here is a quick "mom hack" for you.  Gabe likes his bottle warmed up (high maintenance baby) so if I know we are going somewhere that I wont be able to warm the bottle in hot water, I pre-warm the water in the bottle, in the microwave - just the water, not the formula.  Then I put it in the insulated bottle holders in the front pocket of my diaper bag.  Ta-da - magic! They don't stay warm all day but if you know your baby is going to need a bottle within the next hour to hour and a half it works pretty slick.

I should mention that my diaper bag is AWESOME!  It's trendy, cute and practical! You can buy it here!

This post was sponsored by Nena + Nena.

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