Tuesday, October 22, 2019

two ingredient drink combinations you need to try

I'm coming to you this Tuesday morning with some really good drink combinations you should try!  They have been shared from time-to-time on my Instagram account but they are so good that they are blog worthy!

Here's one for all you coffee lovers!  Almond Milk + Java Mio. A cup of milk with a squirt of Iced Mocha Java or Iced Vanilla Java Mio is a really good and really inexpensive Starbucks replacement if your an iced coffee fan.  FYI, the only place I've been able to find the Java Mio is at Walmart.

If you're more of a tea type of person try this combination; Tazo Wild Sweet Orange + Vanilla Sweet Drops.  So good but without the caffeine. This combination tastes like an orange dreamsicle or push-pop (do you remember those? Do they still make push-ups because I'd probably buy them...).

In case you need a replacement for your daily soda - give this a try! Coconut flavored LaCroix + Wild Strawberry Crystal Light (this is the Walmart knock-off.)  They make a non-caffeine version of this Crystal Light Flavor too. 
Other good LaCroix + Crystal Light combinations are:
Lemon LaCroix + Grape Crystal Light (tastes like a grape soda)
Lemon LaCroix + Lemon Iced Tea Crystal Light

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